Background Reading
How To Change. The science of getting from where you are to where you want to be. Katy Milkman, 2021
Atomic Habits: Tiny changes, remarkable results. James Clear. 2018
Brain Changer: How diet can affect both your physical and mental health. Professor Felice Jacka. 2020
Why We Sleep. The new science of sleep and dreams. Matthew Walker. 2017
Deep Work: Rules for focused success in a distracted world. Cal Newport. 2016
GRIT. Why passion and resilience are the secrets to success. Angela Duckworth. 2017
Play On: How to get better with age. The new science of physical longevity. Jeff Bercovici. 2018
The New Long Life. A framework for flourishing in a changing word. Andrew J Scott & Lynda Gratton. 2020
When. The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing. Dan. Daniel H. Pink. 2018
The Hundred Year Life – Living and working in the age of longevity Lynda Gratton & Andrew Scott. 2018
The Blue Zone – Nine lessons for living longer. Dan Buettner. 2012
Mindset. Changing the way you think to fulfill your potential. Carol Dweck. 2007
Tiny Habits. The small changes that change everything. 2019
Royal Society of the Arts.
Health Check BBC World service.
National Public Radio.
Life Matters ABC National Radio.
This working Life.
Healthbeat: Harvard Medical School Blog
New York Times: Smarter Living
A life of productivity: Chris Bailey
Trust me I’m a doctor
Michelle McQuaid
Links to Research
People who have high quality friendships at work are 7 times as likely to be engaged at work. Tom Rath Wellbeing: The Five Essential Elements. 2014
Applied Theory of Marginal gains – How 1% performance lead to Olympic gold. Harvard Business Review. 2015
Israel parole judge decisions during the day. It’s time we broke for lunch. Economist. 2011
Exercise and the heart. Early studies linking exercise and heart disease Bus drivers and conductors. Dr Jerry Morris.1953
Glasgow Post. Time spent in sedentary posture is associated with waist circumference and cardiovascular risk. Tigbe WW et al. 2017
Children born in 2007 will most likely live to 100 or more. Prosperity in the age of longevity. World economic forum annual meeting. 2017
Sleep. Worrying about insomnia may be worse than lack of sleep. Journal of Behaviour Research and Therapy. 2017
Peer group influencing your weight. Family friends can influence weight and mood. Harvard Health. 2015
The “45 and up study’ 222,000 people shows with increased sitting time there is a correlation with all-cause mortality. Sitting time and all-cause mortality risk in 222,497 Australian adults. Van der Ploeg. 2012.
Walking five days a week for half a hour a day may prolong life expectancy by up to three years. Walk More Sit Less – a simple prescription for Good. Australian Medical Association. 2015
Reversing the effects of sitting include getting up and walking for 2 minutes every hour will help reverse health effects from prolonged sitting. 2 minute walk every hour may help offset-effects of sitting. Webmd. 2015
10,000 hours of deliberate practice to become an expert. The role of deliberate practice in the acquisition of expert performance. American Psychological Association. 1993
Hippocampus bigger and more active in Taxi drivers than bus drivers. London taxi drivers and bus drivers. Maguire EA, et all. 2006